Fungus Collector
For Drawtober 2017.
Fungus Collectors collect fungus through their pseudopodia, phagically enclosing the fungus and collecting its spores to transport to a spot atop their cap where the fungus can grow and thrive. This little guy is only a few months old and about five feet tall. Their particular species of Fungus Collector can grow to be hundreds of feet tall, but only if given the time to grow. The eldest among them are thousands of years old, have multiple caps, and can hold a city alongside the fungus they collect. Cities must form a mutually beneficial relationship with the fungus collector, tending to the fungus and taking only the space and fungus necessary to survive, lest the Fungus Collector remove the city piece by piece from its cap in a process similar to the process of collecting fungus. But when a city is successful, both Fungus Collector and city thrive off of the relationship they form with each other.